The Clean Up Game

Have you every played the clean up game?

No, not that one. The other one.

It’s the one where you follow your nineteen-month-old baby around the house, picking up things along the way and putting them back wherever they go.

I play this game a lot. Let me tell you, it’s a lot of fun and it actually works!

All you have to do is pick up a few items on each leg of the trip (let’s say two pairs of socks, an empty coffee cup, five books, and a blob of playdough) and deposit them back to their rightful homes as you pass them by.

Your baby will be none the wiser as they giggle and shriek, nearly crashing and splitting their head open upon every sharp surface along the way (don’t worry, we installed corner protectors).

And in the meantime, you’ll have killed two birds with one stone.

(Just make sure you clean up the stone when you’re done.)

One response to “The Clean Up Game”

  1. Okay, I almost spit out the water I’m drinking when I got to the last line. Yes, clean up that stone! Hahahaha!

    My son, who is old enough to know and do better, has turned our playroom upside down. Right now, we’re in a battle of the wits to see who will cave first. (Most likely, it’ll be my daughter since she cannot stand his messes.)


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