Babies Say the Darndest Things

It feels like my 20-month-old baby has been growing in language leaps and bounds. Every day she is saying something new, and it’s all adorable. Here are a few of the things she says now, with their requisite translations:

bup: “up”

boop: “book”

depdoo: “stepstool”

doddy: “doggy”

gull: “girl”

dooty: “tushy”

dopidop: “diaper”

dodull: “stroller”

mo: “more”

AND…last but not least!

momma dadda: “momma”

2 responses to “Babies Say the Darndest Things”

  1. dopidop – that’s soooooo cute!! I have a four year old, two year old, and four month old. They DO say the darnedest things 😂

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  2. How fun! I love seeing the words and the translations. I can totally hear a little one’s voice as I read the words.

    Liked by 1 person

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